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MRCS, or Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons, is an intercollegiate exam for surgery aspirants aiming to become members of the four surgical royal colleges in the UK and Ireland. If you are at the final milestone of your MRCS journey, waiting just to finish up your Part B exam, here’s a comprehensive overview of the MRCS Part B OSCE pattern and marking scheme.
MRCS Part B OSCE is the second and final stage of the RCS membership exam. The objective of this part is to assess the clinical and communication skills of aspirants relevant to surgery. By successfully clearing this objective structured clinical examination, you demonstrate that you possess the necessary knowledge, experience, and clinical competence to complete core training and progress to specialty training.
The MRCS Part B (OSCE) Exam Pattern
The MRCS exams are rigorous and designed to test the skills and clinical competencies of trainee surgeons to ensure they can progress to the ST3+ level. The MRCS Part B exam comprises 17 stations, with each station lasting 9 minutes. The exam assesses both clinical knowledge and applied skills through topics such as anatomy and surgical pathology, applied surgical science, critical care, communication skills, and history-taking skills. To pass this exam, candidates must focus on developing both their clinical and communication skills.
MRCS Part B Marking Scheme
Each station is marked out of a total of 20 marks. Additionally, candidates are awarded a station outcome of fail, borderline, or pass, based on the judgment of the examiners at that station.
Best Time to Prepare for the MRCS Part B 2025 Exam
One common mistake aspirants make is waiting until the last minute to begin their preparation. A strong foundation and an early start will help you achieve your dream of earning the MRCS postnominal this year.
At StudyMRCS, our team is here to guide you throughout your MRCS Part B journey. Whether you are appearing for MRCS Part B in ENT or General Surgery, we provide the support you need. Connect with us, Now is the time to choose the best in surgery and be the best!
Authored By: Mariya P J
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